alpha hydroxy acid
Without a doubt, almost everyone can benefit from daily use of a well formulated AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). Due to their exfoliating action, they are an essential ingredient to help fight breakouts and skin ageing.
AHAs are a collection of compounds made from familiar food products. Among the most widely known are glycolic acid (from sugar cane), lactic acid (sour milk), malic acid (apples), citric acid (citrus fruits), and tartaric acid (wine grapes).
Skin naturally sheds billions of skin cells each day. As we age the turnover of our skin cells slows down, as a result we often end up suffering from dull, dry, or flaky skin; clogged pores; blemishes; white bumps; and uneven skin tone. Using an exfoliant steps in to help put everything in balance again. When you gently get rid of built-up skin cells you can treat clogged pores, reduce breakouts, smooth out lines/wrinkles, and even make dry skin become a thing of the past!
Scrubs or manual exfoliators are certainly an option for exfoliating your skin, but they have limitations you don’t have to worry about with an AHA exfoliant. Scrubs only deal with the very top layer of skin while most of the unhealthy, built-up skin cells that lie beneath the surface are beyond the reach of a scrub. AHAs are able to penetrate and exfoliate your skin at a much deeper level.
AHAs not only exfoliate but they also increase blood flow to the skin, provide added hydration and help to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Other benefits of using AHAs include lightening of pigmentation and treatment of breakouts and acne. Due to the exfoliating action of AHAs, when you are using them, other products that you are using in your skin care regime will be able to penetrate your skin more readily, meaning better results for your skin!
A professionally applied AHA peel will accelerate the benefits of using AHAs and regular peels will reverse the ageing process, treating fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, congestion and dull looking skin. Try our Priori lactic peel, Blueberry Smoothie peel or our Benefit peel, infused with antioxidants.
The next time you’re browsing for skin care products and treatments, you should consider adding those containing AHAs to your routine, if you don’t already use them.