When considering a skin brightener, pay close attention to the key brightening agent. Research recently revealed that the industry’s most popular brightener which is often prescribed by Doctors, hydroquinone, may cause irritation, permanently stain the skin, a condition known as onchronosis, and pose a cancer risk in high doses.
As an alternative, many skin care professionals now recommend natural brightening agents such as azelaic acid, licorice and mulberry. Unlike hydroquinone, azelaic acid seems to act on only hyperactive melanocytes and does not lighten normally functioning melanocytes.
Our top two products recommend homecare products to effectively lighten pigmentation are:
1. Pigment Punch (safe to use during pregnancy) and
2. Simply Brilliant, which contains 10 skin brightening ingredients.
Both of the above products have Hydroquinone free formulas. Please note, with pigmentation the results can take time, depending on the depth of your pigment. For best results, we recommend homecare in combination with our Timeless Peel.